Natchez Trace Chronicles: The Sunken Trace
Have you ever been driving somewhere (not in a rush) and wanted to pull over and explore? Well, the Natchez Trace is the perfect road for adventure and spontaneity. One warm summer day, my friend and I took the Natchez Trace back home after stopping off in Natchez following a hike. A sign that read “Sunken Trace” appeared and caught our attention.
We pulled off the road and laced our boots for an adventure. It didn’t seem like a long hike, but it did look muddy. Before walking in, we read the sign that explained the history of the trail. Before people drove the Natchez Trace, it was walked by people going from one city to another. This is part of the old Trace that sunk and eroded with so many footsteps crossing it.
Venturing on, we walked down the little hill into the old trail. Seeing how the land had been carved out over years of use and trees hanging on by a ledge was so interesting. Although these plants were clinging to a slope, they all grew beautifully. My friend and I walked the worn trail and snapped a few pictures along the way.
In the end, it was nice to have taken a little walk through history. If you’re hesitant about going down (or up) the Natchez Trace, don’t be. It’s a great drive and well worth the slower speed limit. There are so many gems on the serene drive, so take your time, immerse yourself in history, and enjoy the drive.